ABC Spy is the perfect app to support children learning the ABC. What I like most about this app is how it gives the opportunity to create your own ABC library of photos. Each letter is introduced in the normal way - the letter and the sound of the letter but then... wait there's more! You actually get to use the camera to take a photo of an 'something' beginning with that letter. You have the possiblility of creating a folder for each child and each child taking their own photos. I really support apps that allow for the creativity of children. Give this one a try and let us know what you think. It's as easy as ABC!
Step 1 - Choose a user or create a new user by clicking on the + button - it will give you the option of adding a photo to each user.
Step 2 - Start spying!
Step 3 - Listen to the letter and the sound of the letter and then Add a Photo by tapping the camera...
Step 4 - Take your photo - once you have taken your photo you get the option of choosing a frame and typing in what your photo is. Once you have finished you can move on to the next letter/sound.