Longfield Academy in the UK have implemented an iPad programme. This report, published by Naace in July 2012, outlines how the iPads have been used for teaching and learning in the two terms since the programme started.
The Executive summary is as follows:
"This study, one of the most extensive yet regarding the use of tablet devices finds that with the majority of pupils at the school now having iPads there has been a significant and very positive impact on learning together with further significant and still developing changes in pedagogy. In particular it was found that:
The overwhelming majority of teachers regularly use iPads in their teaching
iPad use is particularly strong in English, Maths and Science
There is high demand from students for iPad use to be extended further
Teachers have identified significant benefits for their workload and have also
identified cost savings
Use of the iPads is increasingly being developed for homework and beyond
school activities
Students are more motivated when using iPads
The quality and standard of pupil work and progress is rising
Both staff and student feel they can work more effectively with iPads
Levels of collaborative working have improved
Appropriate use of Apps aids learning
All find the iPad easy to use
Minor technical issues have arisen, often due to user error, but are readily dealt
Effective project management has been critical to the success of this
The outcomes at Longfield clearly demonstrate the value of the iPad as an educational tool and the role that it can play in learning and teaching." (p. 4)
Interesting that although they talk in the first paragraph about the positive impact on learning there is not much mention of this in the bullet points (except for improved levels of collaborative working).